QOwnNotes(跨平台笔记应用程序) v24.9.2 中文绿色版
QOwnNotes 是一款功能强大的跨平台笔记应用程序,可以帮助用户轻松管理笔记、任务和清单。
1.支持多种编辑器:支持 Markdown、Html、和其它多种文本编辑器; 2.易于搜索:可设置快捷键进行搜索,支持正则表达式搜索; 3.多个账户:可以管理多个账户,并可以自定义设置; 4.可定义笔记标签:可以使用标签来组织笔记,方便查找; 5.全文搜索:支持全文搜索,可以在整个笔记库中搜索文本; 6.数据同步:可以通过多种方式进行数据同步,包括 Dropbox、Nextcloud 等; 7.导出功能:可以通过 PDF、HTML 等格式导出笔记。
24.9.2 The backlink widget link detection and UI was improved (for #1717) In checkbox lists, the checkboxes will now not be detected as part of the link Multiple occurrences of similar links can now be detected in notes A problem with the found link not showing up in the tooltips of items was fixed More information for the found notes will now be shown in the tooltip In the note search line edit, the Right arrow key will not make the focus jump to the note list anymore, the Tab key is enough to do that (for #3097) Added more Croatian, Dutch, Korean translation (thank you, milotype, stephanp, venusgirl)
高速盘: https://url96.ctfile.com/d/60968596-62709001-4cc76d?p=7788 (访问密码: 7788)
百度盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JvLBrBQHsUMJ6O83qngkLA?pwd=sgxr
123 盘 : https://www.123pan.com/s/PbbTjv-Fpt4H